Thorns Primary School

Safe - Happy - Learning



Monday 23rd March 2020

I hope you are keeping yourselves safe and well!

Today we will begin to explore simple multiplication and division.

Can you practise counting in tens with your child, eg 10, 20, 30, 40 etc. Once they can confidently do this can you practise counting backwards from 100 to 0 in tens. If they find this easy, practise up to 200 forwards and backwards.

Please find the links below to support with different ways to access this with your child:

English- Monday 23rd March

"The fish that couldn't climb trees"- Poetry from "That's twice I've laughed my socks off"- Steve Attewell

Please find the link below:

Read along with the poem. 

Make a list of rhyming words.

Why was squirrel unkind?

What could fish not do?

Write a letter from squirrel to fish saying thank you. 

Tuesday 24th March 2020

I hope you practised counting in tens because you will need it today 😊

Please explore finding groups of ten within larger groups.

Find 20 objects, get your child to investigate how many groups of ten there are within the twenty. Give them time to explore this, encourage them to move the objects so they can physically see two groups of ten. Discuss that the groups must be equal, same number of objects in each.

Show your child there is two groups of ten in twenty. Discuss this verbally or write it down like

I can make ___ groups of ten.

Repeat this with 10 objects and 30 objects.

If your child is finding this difficult, keep repeating the activity using different objects.

If your child has understood this concept you can introduce odd number of objects eg 25 objects.

Discuss if these amounts of objects can be grouped in equal groups of ten?

Discuss and write down as shown below:

I can make____ equal groups of ten. With ____ objects left over.

Tuesday 24th March 2020

We recently looked at Chris Haughton's series of books- if you have a smart phone Hat Monkey app is currently free until Wednesday with e versions of his books :) 

Today, can you write an acrositc poem about fish (from yesterday's poem) 

Remember acrostic poems use one word to inspire all of the other words to come.

Write the word FISH and think of something for each letter. 

Wednesday 25th March 2020


Keep up the good work!

Today we will continue to explore multiples, this time moving on to multiples of five.

Can you practise counting in tens with your child, eg 0, 5, 10, 15 etc. Once they can confidently do this can you practise counting backwards from 20 down to 0 and expanding this up to 100 (if they can).  They will need to be confident with counting in multiples for next week. Don’t worry if they find this challenging keep coming back to counting in different ways.

Please find the links below to support with different ways to access this with your child:

wednesday 25th march- English

"There's a crocodile in my lunchbox"

Read along with the poem. 

Make a list of rhyming words.

What is in the lunchbox?
why does the crocodile eat fruit?
What does the crocodile ruin?
Whose lunchobx does he jump in to next?
Where did the boys throw the lunchbox?

What do they think he'll bite them on?

Thursday 26th March 2020

I hope you practised counting in fives because you will need it today 😊

Just a reminder that there is no expectation to look at all the links listed previously. I have found a range of different useful websites to visit that link to the days learning. Pick one or two of these these links to support your child and you could come back to the others if you wanted to revisit these concepts at a later date.

Happy learning!

Today, please explore finding groups of five within larger groups.

Find 20 objects, get your child to investigate how many groups of five there are within the twenty. Give them time to explore this, encourage them to move the objects so they can physically see four groups of five. Discuss that the groups must be equal, same number of objects in each.

Show your child there is four groups of five in twenty. Discuss this verbally or write it down like

I can make ___ groups of five.

Repeat this with 10 objects and 30 objects.

If your child is finding this difficult, keep repeating the activity using different objects or revisit counting in fives through the range of links above.

If your child has understood this concept you can introduce odd number of objects eg 24 objects.

Discuss if these amounts of objects can be grouped in equal groups of five?

Discuss and write down as shown below:

I can make____ equal groups of five. With ____ objects left over.

Thursday 26th March 2020

English- "The worm that wouldn't wiggle"

Read along with the poem.

Design a new sock for the worm.

Can you think of any other insects that can't do something?
E.g The spider that wouldn't make a web .

Friday 27th March 2020

Last set of multiples we are focusing on ready for next week is….

Counting in twos.

After today your child should be able to use their knowledge of counting in steps of two, five and ten to support with next week. Counting in steps of two and five can be difficult for children so please keep revisiting these with your child.

Can you practise counting in twos with your child, eg 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10…. Once they can confidently do this can you practise counting backwards from 20 down to 0 and expanding this up to 100 (if they can). They will need to be confident with counting in multiples for next week. Don’t worry if they find this challenging keep coming back to counting in different ways.

Please find printable resources (if needed), videos to support counting in 2s and fun games to allow your child to apply what they’ve learnt. Choose one or two of these links to consolidate learning or use these to revisit next week.

Friday 27th March 2020

"Once 7 laughed my socks off"

Read along with the poem.
Can you write a poem about something you have laughed off.
Eg Once I laughed my hat off.

Think of a piece of clothing. Make a list of silly things it might do.

Write your silly poem.

Write one verse, use adjectivrs.

Can you use rhyming words?

Enjoy your weekend and don’t forget to check your spellings for this week on your class page 😊

Monday 30th March 2020

Start of week two of learning at home. Keep yourselves safe and listen to your grown ups 😊

Miss Kirton

Today we will continue to explore multiplication and division.

Pose simple questions to your child. If I had 20 oranges and I wanted to group them in groups of two how many groups would I have?

Get your child to draw 20 oranges and group them if it supports them to understand this.

If I had thirty oranges and I wanted to group them in groups of ten, how many groups would I have?

If I had 40 oranges and I wanted to group them in groups of two, how many groups would I have?

Please see document below to use to support teaching of grouping objects.


Monday 30th March 2020

Monday 30th March 2020

Our text we will be focusing on this week is: The bravest fish

Discuss the story with you child. What did they like? What didn’t they like?
Discuss if there are any stories it reminded them of – It reminded me of Julia Donaldson’s Tiddler as he also had to be a brave character who also went on an adventure.

Can you focus on the characters- Get your child to choose a character.

Write a list of adjectives to describe the character chosen- kind, orange, bright, brave
If your child wants to challenge themselves get them to put these words into a sentence


Exclamation marks-
Read back through the story and identify the exclamation marks. Discuss that the reason they have used these is because the character is.. surprised? Shocked? Excited?

Can you write your own exclamation sentence?

Tuesday 31st March 2020


Good Morning Year One :) 


If you are finding this difficult please don't worry. 


Everybody works at a different pace and that is fine. Do what you can and don't give up.

Look at the link below:

We will be using this to support your child to recognise multiplication as repeated addition.

Show your child the ladybird with two spots.

Discuss how many spots the ladybird has- 2

Discuss that 1x2=2

If your child has found the multiplication aspect difficult, please revisit the last week multiplication links to develop your child’s confidence with their times tables.

Please work through the questions with your child, the sheet becomes increasingly difficult. If child reaches a point, they are finding it too difficult, identify the times table they are struggling with and revisit the day from last week for links to support your child with that times table.

Tuesday 31st March 2020.

Rewatch the story with your child.

Discuss the setting with your child.
What is the setting in the story? (under the sea)

Why is the story set under the sea?

Does the setting change during the story?

Get your child to draw a picture of the setting.
Once draw get your child to write sentences to describe the setting.
The setting is under the sea. In the setting you can see beautiful bright coral reefs.

Grammar- Introduce commas

If your child is a confident write read the sentences to your child to write down. If your child finds writing difficult write the sentences for them with a gap as shown below.

Complete the sentences with ‘and’.

  • We do PE on Monday, Wednesday____Friday.
  • My favourite subjects are Art, PE ___ Maths.
  • My sisters are called Amy, Sara, Beth ___ Kim.
  • Wednesday 1st April 2020

    Keep up the good work!

    Today we are recognising doubles and linking to the multiplication.

    Get the children to look at the picture below:

    Use the representations to discuss the following points:
    Double 1 is 2

    Use the representations to discuss the following points:

    Double 1 is 2


    Look at the different coloured counters- 1+1=2

    Therefore, 1x2=

    Work through the examples below and get your child to draw their own to show their understanding at the end.

    Wednesday 1st April 2020-English

    Rewatch the story with your child.

    At different points stop the story and discuss what has happened so far?
    At the end of the story discuss the plot with your child.
    What happens at the beginning, middle and end of our story?
    What is the plot?

    What is the problem? How does the character overcome this?

    Get your child to write the following sentences:
    The plot is_____
    The problem is_____
    The problem is overcome by_____

    Grammar- Adding missing commas.

    1. We did reading writing and drawing today.
    2. The runner is tall strong and fast
    3. There are red purple orange white and pink flowers in the garden.
    4. Thursday 2nd April 2020- Maths

      Today we are bringing together everything we have previously learnt this week.

      Read the question with your child. Discuss with your child whether they the groups are equal and uneven. Your questions are key in identifying if your child has understood. Get them to explain their answers before writing it down.
      We are looking for your child to use their times tables to explain their understanding eg The groupings are equal because Calum had 4 sweets and he shared them into groups of two. I know that double 2 is four and that 2x2 is 4. This will require you to discuss this with your child because they will most likely answer ‘Yes’ or ‘No’.

      Thursday 2nd March 2020- English

      Writing our own story.

      Having explored our story, The Bravest Fish. Today your child will write their own version of the bravest fish. They will change the type of animal the main character is- keeping the animal as an underwater character but changing to a different type like a dolphin.

      Get your child to rewrite the story with slight changes if they feel the need. Let your child do this as independently as the can. Be there to encourage and support with Fred Talking their words rather then telling them their spellings.

      Once they have wrote their story keep it safe as we will be using it for tomorrow’s lesson.

      A big well done to Year One for writing their first story at home with their grown-ups!
      Keep the stories safe as I can’t wait to read them when we’re back!

      Grammar- Complete the sentences
      Get your child to write the sentence below. Encourage them to write at least three colours. Once the sentence is written if they have not included a comma go back over and explain as it is a list sentence therefore, they need to include a comma.

      My favourite colours are_________.

      Friday 3rd April 2020

      Today will be introducing division.

      Start by showing your child the video below:

      Then work through the questions which will gradually introduce division to your child.

      If your child is confidence with the concept you can introduce the division sign with your child when looking at questions 4 and 5 with your child. Eg

      12÷4= 3


      Friday 3rd March 2020- English

      Editing our stories.

      Our focus at the moment is developing your child’s ability to edit their own work. This is a very difficult skill as your child will be very proud of their achievement and identifying things, they need to improve on is difficult for everyone!

      At school we have editing glasses so for five minutes tell your child to put on their ‘imaginary editing glasses’ and read through their story.

      If your child spends three seconds skim reading their work this is fine, don’t panic!
      Tell your child to go back through their work and tell them to find where they have missed a ___ (capital letter, full stop, finger space)

      Once your child has had some time to do this on their own. Sit with your child and read through their writing with them, hearing somebody else read their work sometimes identifies where they have missed something. Once we have read through their work, we usually choose a coloured pencil and will highlight a mistake or somewhere we think they could improve their writing eg a better adjective or changing the phrasing of a sentence.
      When highlighting the mistake, we ask the child “why do you think I have underlined this?” This supports your child to think about what it is they need to change.

      Repeat this maximum of five times with your child.

      Once you have finished editing, spend some time telling your child different parts of their writing you really liked and things that have made you proud.

        Grammar- Write sentences with a list of:
        Don’t forget your commas!

      1. What is in your school bag.
      2. The clothes you are wearing.
      3. The names of your friends.
      4. Spelling test time- Get your grown up to test you on your spellings from last week.


        Easter Holidays- There will be no new work set over the Easter holidays- all previous work will be left on here if you would like to come back to any lessons or if you haven't worked through them all.

        Please continue to ensure you are reading every day with your child, practising their spellings and times tables. 

        If your child can confidently read the books provided by school have a look at the links on the useful websites tab to find a set of websites offering E books for your child to access.

        We will continue with our daily lessons after the holidays,

        Don’t forget to go to our class page to find this week’s spellings!

        Enjoy your Easter holidays Year One, keep yourselves safe and keep making me very proud!

        Miss Kirton

        (If you're struggling over the holidays for things to do, don't forget the Arts and Crafts tab has some craft ideas, Week Two has a range of projects you could complete and the website tab will continued to be updated as and when we find any websites that are of use)

        Keep up all your amazing work, see you soon!


        Monday 20th April 2020

        Welcome back! I hope you have had a lovely Easter holiday.

        This week we will be looking at Non-Fictional writing.

        We will be writing a leaflet all about Elephants. Today you will research Elephants with your grown-ups. Make sure you are with your grown ups when you are using the internet and find out and make a list of as many interesting facts about Elephants you can.

        Grammar- Nouns

        Possesive Nouns

        Recap over possesive nouns by watching the link below:

        Apply what you have learnt and in the sentences below underline the possesive noun and highlight the thing that belongs to the possessive noun.

        Eg. I found my brother's football in the ditch.

        1. The flower's petals had fallen off.

        2. The teacher's car would not start.

        3. The sun's rays can be very hot.

        4. The man's bag was full.



        This week we will be looking at finding a half and a quarter.

        Today explore finding a half of different objects around the house. 

        Start off by watching the clip below

        The best objects to use are edible objects to visually see the cutting of the object into two equal parts. Remind your child that the parts need to be equal.

        This is a good opportunity to do some baking or cutting your lunch and dinner into half.

        Tuesday 21st April 2020

        Good morning Year One, It was lovely to speak to so of you yesterday! I am very proud of all of you.I know the website was not working yesterday so if you're a day behind don't worry!


        Following on from your research yesterday I want you to plan your leaflet.

        Can you think fo an interesting Title?

        Remember to think about how you are going to group your facts- Can you group them by habitat? Food? Facts about the size of elephants?

        Write out your facts in groups about the same theme and think about a brilliant subheading for this section.

        Can you find or draw some good pictures you might use in your leaflet.

        The planning stage is the perfect time to practise fitting our writing onto a leaflet wthout worrying about how neat it looks or if we get it wrong.

        Grammar-Possesive Nouns

        Add an apostrophe to the possesive noun in each sentence.

        1. The girls notebook was in her pocket.

        2.Nadias wish came true.

        3. Tamara did not like Amys cat.

        4.The old mans gloves were lost.

        Maths- Today we will continue looking at finding half.

        Today I want you to find half of the numbers below.

        Yesterday we looked at finding half of shapes or objects, if you found this difficult keep practising!

        1) 2

        2) 4





        It may be that you need to use resources to show half of these numbers so you can see two groups of equal numbers. 

        If you have confidently done this you may want to find some larger numbers above twenty. 

        Wednesday 22nd April 2020


        Today you will be writing up your leaflets. Use your plans you made yesterday to create a leaflet all about Elephants. 


        Focus on your writing. Create your heading and subtitles with your information clearly displayed underneath. 

        Plesase find some examples of leaflets to have a look at. 

        Grammar- Contractions

        It's time to revisit contractions!

        First tell your grown up what a contraction is, if you're not sure have a look at the links below to reind yourselves. 

        Activity: Rewrite the sentences below to include a contraction

        1) They did no hear me knocking.

        2)I am barking.

        3) They are not on the bus.

        4) I am very muddy!

        5) It is not very warm today.


        Today we are going to explore finding a quarter. This can be challenging so don't worry if it takes some time. 

        Introduce finding a quarter using objects such as fruit to model cutting up into four pieces, discuss with your child that they are equal pieces. 

        Introduce the term 1/4 and spend some time allowing your child to explore finding 1/4 of different shapes and objects. If you are struggling with physical objects to use you could draw some 2D shapes for your child to practise with.

        After exploration please play the game below with your child to develop their confidence. This game does introduce 3/4 and revisits 1/2 so these are key talking points with your child.

        Please find visual resources to use with your child if needed below. 

        If you would like to explore some Geography with your child the link below will take you to some brilliant resources 

        I hope you are enjoying the beautiful weather and will see you all again tomorrow

        Thursday 23rd April 2020

        Happy Thursday! I hope you are keeping yourselves safe.


        Today can you finish off your leaflet adding pictures and any finsihing off of writing that needs to be done.

        Grammar- VerbsΒ 

        Today we will be looking at past tense verbs, please look at the links below first.

        Can you turn the verbs below into past tense verbs

        eg To look - I looked

        1)To save

        2) To laugh

        3) To show

        4) To follow

        5) To borrow

        6) To stroll

        7) To smile

        Maths- Finding a quarter

        Following on from finding a quarter of shapes and objects with your child yesterday we are now going to find a quarter of numbers!

        Show them the song below to explore some different representations

        Activitiy: Find 1/4 of the numbers below- The best way to do this is using objects so for example 

        If your number is 12- Find 12 objects, explain you are finding 1/4- To do this we need equal groups- Let your child split the objects into equal group questioning them and guiding them along. 
        Once you have your groups you can check they have equal amounts and show them that 1/4 of 12 is 3!
        Once you visual have these groups you can take this opportunity to talk about 2/4 and 3/4 

        1.     1/4 of 12 =

        2.     1/4 of 4 =

        3.     1/4 of 24 =

        4.     1/4 of 32 =

        5.     1/4 of 28 =

        6.     1/4 of 8 =

        7.     1/4 of 16 =

        8.     1/4 of 40 =

        9.     1/4 of 20 =

        10.   1/4 of 36 =

        Good Morning Year 1! 

        Apologies on the delay! The website had a mind of it's own yesterday. Happy learning for today!

        Friday is here again! I hope you have enjoyed learning about Elephants this week!

        English - Friday 24th April 2020

        Today I would like you to look at the leaflets you have created and edit them. Fish out those imaginary editing glasses again and have a look at your leaflets.

        Are there any missing capital letters?

        Are any of the common exception words spelt incorrectly?

        Are we missing any full stops?

        Have you used the features of a leaflet (title, subheadings, facts and keywords?)

        Discuss any changes with your child.

        I look forward to reading all about Elephants!

        Maths - 24.4.2020

        First share the story below with your child 

        Don't forget to take some pictures to share with me when were back!

        To finish off your Maths lesson today take a look at the clips below to help your child view fractions in a different way.

        Don't forget to do your spelling test and practise your new spellings for next week!

        Your spellings are:











        The focus of the spelling this week is exploring the 'oo' diagraph. Please find the usual template below to use.

        Happy Spelling!

        Enjoy your weekend and see you next week!

        Miss Kirton

        Monday 27th April 2020

        Good Morning Year One! This week we have changed the format of your home learning. Each day we will put up your home learning tasks for the day but it will now be on a PDF document. Th document will consist of a Maths task, Reading task, SPAG task, writing task, physical activity, themed learning task, a task to complete with a grown up and a task to be completed on their own!

        Do the tasks at your own pace and don't forget we don't remove any work off the page so if you have to come back to parts at different times that's fine!

        Keep up the fantastic effort Year One! 

        Miss Kirton

        Tuesday 28th April 2020

        Wednesday 29th April 2020

        Thursday 30th April 2020

        Friday 1st March 2020

        Spellings- The 'yoo' and 'oo' sounds spelt with the split digraphs   ‘ue’ and 'ew'











        Have a fantastic weekend!

        Don't forget to check out Week Four tab and Arts and crafts tab if you need any activites to do over the week!

        See you next week for more learning!

        Monday 4th May 2020

        I hope you have had a lovely weekend!

        This week we will be exploring the environment, don't forget to check out the week five tab for extra activites if you need them !

        Tuesday 5th May 2020

        Wednesay 6th May 2020

        Thursday 7th May 2020

        Friday 8th May 2020

        VE Day!

        Today is VE Day, rather then setting work to do there is a grid of activites to develop understanding of VE Day. Use as many or few of these activites as you would like and don't forget to have a fantastic day!
        If you do take any pictures, please send them into school to share your celebrations!

        Don't forget it is spelling test day!

        Here are next weeks spellings:




















        Have a fantastic weekend!

        Stay safe and see you all next week!

        Miss Kirton

        Monday 11th May 2020


        Tuesday 12th May 2020

        Wednesday 13th May 2020

        Thursday 14th May 2020

        Friday 15th March 2020

        Have you done your spelling test too?

        This week our spellings are looking at the 'ee' sound spelt with a 'y'

        See if your child can identify the pattern in these spellings before telling them!

        This week our spellings are:

        1. very 

        2. happy

        3. funny

        4. party






        Below is the usual template if you would like to use it:

        Don't forget to check out this weeks tabs for extra challenges and the Arts and Crafts tab if you fancy making soemthing this weekend.

        Mrs Holmes and I will be ringing on Monday to have a chat with you all, keep your phones close, we can't wait to hear all the things you have been up to.

        Have a lovely weekend and stay safe!

        Miss Kirton

        Monday 18th May 2020

        Good Morning Year One!

        Hope you've had a lovely weekend, I am very looking to hear how you are all getting on!

        Any questions or queries feel free to contact us

        Miss Kirton

        Tuesday 19th May 2020

        Wednesday 20th May 2020

        Thursday 21st May 2020

        Friday 22nd May 2020

        If you would like more activites linked to celebrations please see Week Seven tab on the Year One and Two closure page.

        Spellings- vowel diagraph 'or'  and the vowel trigraph 'ore'

        Please find template below if needed

        1. for








        10. shore

        How did you get on this week? 

        Keep practising your spellings!

        Thank you for your hard work this week!

        Next week is half term so have arest, enjoy the sunshine and stay safe!

        Monday 1st June 2020

        Good Morning Year One!

        I hope you have had a lovely half term and enjoyed the beautiful weather!

        We will be calling you this week to hear how you are getting on, keep your phones nearby.


        Tuesday 2nd June 2020

        Wednesday 3rd May 2020

        It was lovely to speak to so many of you yesterday! You are all making me so proud and I love hearing all the fantastic things you have been doing.

        I will be ringing again for those who I didn't get through to today. Also, if you have any questions or queries please feel free to ring into school.

        Thursday 4th June 2020

        Friday 5th June 2020

        Good Morning Year One!

        It was lovely speaking to so many of you this week, you have made so proud to be your teacher with all the hard work you have put in during these very difficult times!

        Don't forget to look at week 8 for more activites over the weekend if you need them and today is spelling test day, good luck!



        1. saw








        10. your*

        Monday 8th June 2020

        Tuesday 9th June 2020

        Good Morning Year One, hope you are all keeping well!

        Wednesday 10th June 2020

        Thursday 11th June 2020

        Friday 12th June 2020

        Spellings - The vowel trigraphs 'air' and 'are'











        Monday 15th June 2020

        Good Morning Year One!

        Some of you are returning back to school today and we are very excited to see you! For those of you who will continue to learn from home we will be ringing this week to se hoe you are all getting on.

        As Mrs Bennett and I will be working with a bubble we have made the decision to create a KS1 home learning document to be used by Year One and Year Two. There will be two options for Maths and Writing, please choose the activity that best suits the needs of your child or children.

        Any questions please don't hesitate to call or email school. 

        Extention Task Year 1

        Good Morning Key Stage One

        We hope you had a good week last week.  Here is this week's learning.

        Mrs Bennett and Miss Kirton


        Good Morning Key Stage 1,

        We hope you have been enjoying this glorious weather!  Here is your learning for this week.

        Mrs Bennett and Miss Kirton


        Good Morning Key Stage One

        We are nearly there! Well Done for working so hard these last few months, we are both very proud of you. 

        Mrs Bennett and Miss Kirton

        Here is this weeks learning...


        Please see page 

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        School Life iOS Mobile Application
        School Life Android Mobile Application