Thorns Primary School

Safe - Happy - Learning



Hello Otters and welcome to week 4 of Home Learning!!

I hope that you and your families are all ok and I'm sending you a virtual wave like the otter in the picture.

This week's theme is Animals and there are lots of ideas on the weekly sheet but there is also a daily sheet with learning for each day on it. I hope you enjoy the activities we've chosen.

I've included some links to news articles about animals that behaving differently now that we are out and about less.

Our English work is based on what it might be like if animals were able to roam around in the towns so these articles might help.

Enjoy your week,

Mrs Whyatt and Mrs Rees

Tuesday 28th April

Today's sheet has the answers for yesterday's maths at the bottom.

I'll put my solution to today's maths up with tomorrow's work.

Maths for 28th April

Here are my solution for today's problem. You might have yours in different boxes and that's ok. As long as they go up in order horizontally and vertically, it's still right. I've put my original scribbles and my neatly written up version.

Work for Wednesday 29th April

I'll put the answers for today's work up with tomorrow's work. I hope the weather is better today and if you go on your daily walk you stay dry. Noah and I got wet in the rain yesterday.

Here are the answers for Wednesday's maths.

Work for Thursday 30th April

I'll put up the answers for today's maths with tomorrow's work. Have a super day.

Did you watch the clip about the animals reclaiming the world on Monday? Watch again, using the link below and see how many you recognised. Then click on the answer sheet- second file below.

Work for Friday 1st May

There's a sheet woth today's activities and there are some new videos too.

I've recorded a spelling test for you; if it's too fast you can always pause it.

There's also some more of Wonder carrying on from where we read to at school. I'll try and get more recorded so we can find out what happens to Auggie.

I hope you're all ok and don't forget - it's nearly the weekend!!

Stay safe,

Mrs Whyatt and Mrs Rees

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