Thorns Primary School

Safe - Happy - Learning



We are most grateful for the free access to #The Learning Projects that have been created by the Robin Hood MAT with the support of STEM Learning and Warwickshire SLS. 

They were orginally written to support the nationwide shutdown of schools due to the Coronovirus outbreak in the UK.

These editable units have allowed us bring you opportunities for learning through activities that are linked each week by a theme. The intention is to bring learning experiences for your child that have a mix of offline and online learning. 

The main aims are as follows:

Key learning is linked to the National Curriculum.

To enable children to continue with their learning at home during an enforced shutdown.

To enable families to focus on a joint topic and theme to promote family wide learning.

To provide structure and focus to each day that an enforced shutdown occurs.

To centralise online learning resources and links into an easy to manage format for families.

A School Life Website
School Life iOS Mobile Application
School Life Android Mobile Application