Thorns Primary School

Safe - Happy - Learning




Easter Project


This Easter holiday remember to take a break! You should try to have lots of fun (even if that is staying at home while you do it!) and spend time with your family. 


To keep up with your school work there are a few things you can keep on practising…



Use this page to practise the spellings from the last half term in different ways.


Times tables:

You can use your times tables book to practise a different times table every day -  or why not log on to your TT Rockstars account and play some times tables games?



Make sure you are still reading for at least 20 minutes a day! You might choose your reading book, a book you have chosen from home, an ebook, a magazine or newspaper, a graphic novel or comic book and any non-fiction books you can find. Try different types of texts to keep it interesting.

Easter project 1:


Egg-drop challenge:


I have found that eggs are quite hard to find at the moment, so you must only use one for your challenge to reduce waste!


You are to design and create a contraption that will safely transport an egg from an upstairs window from where you live to the ground - without breaking the egg. You should design your idea on a piece of paper and consider all of your options to help the egg have a safe landing. What will you add to your egg transport? Try to use recycled items you find around the house and other items that you can reuse another day.


Here are some links to help you on your way:





Now build and test your idea. Take some pictures for evidence. After you have done this create a report - what went well? What would you change if you did it again? How could you improve your design even further? How high did you manage to throw your egg before it broke? Is there a way you could test your device even further? What did you enjoy about this project? What did you find difficult? Were you able to persevere?

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