Thorns Primary School

Safe - Happy - Learning



Week Seven

On this page you will find Julia Donaldson challenge card, stories you could explore, Maths cahllenges and some ideas for time outdoors!

Activites linked to the theme, Celebrations:


Ask your child how many seasons we have? Can they name them?  


Watch the clips below

Ask them to look outside their window and see if they can name the season we are in at the moment. What can they see? Can they see any flowers? Or new buds? Can they draw a picture of what they can see using different materials? 

Ask them to look outside their window and see if they can name the season we are in at the moment. What can they see? Can they see any flowers? Or new buds? Can they draw a picture of what they can see using different materials? 


Collect some materials to create a Seasons Calendar. Think about the design and what they will need. 

Spring is in the air:

​Spring is around us: Can they look around the house to see what they can use to make a crafty spring project. Mrs Holmes Makes has some good ideas to look at!

Traditional celebration:

​Talk to an adult and ask about any traditional celebrations you may have as a family. Why do you celebrate them? How do you celebrate them and when?  Do you have to wear different clothes and eat different food?

Gather the family and sing the song ​‘Celebration’​:​ ​



Can you add actions to the dance? Could you have a concert and perform to your family and friends? 

Celebrations across the four season: 

Think about all of the celebrations we have around the world. Can they name them and place them into the correct seasons? 
Autumn:​ Diwali, Bonfire Night, Harvest Festival , ​Hanukkah 

Winter:​ Christmas, New Year Spring:​ Holi, Easter, Mother’s day 

Summer:​ Father’s day, EID, Vesak

Create a card for each of these celebrations.​ How will their designs be different? Are there particular colours they can use? Could they make a pop up card? Could they make a card using no pen and only fabric?

Julia Donaldson Challenge Card:

Ideas of stories you may want to explore!

Here are some Maths challenges to keep your brain thinking!

Outdoor Learning activites

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