Thorns Primary School

Safe - Happy - Learning




Symptoms of COVID-19

The main symptoms of COVID-19 are:

A new, continous cough - this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more continuous coughing episodes in 24 hours (if you usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual)

A high temperature - feel hot to touch on your chest or back (temperature of 37.8 or higher if able to measure this)

A loss or change to your sense of smell or taste - this means you've noticed you cannot small or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal

Other illnesses

There is likely to be an increase in other illnesses during autumn and winter, including colds, flu and winter vomiting bugs.  For symptoms other than those listed above please follow our usual procedures or refer to the flow chart below. A copy of this and further guidelines on illness have been sent to all parents via email.

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